Non-Profit Partner
Vending Program(NPPV)
This application is for the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival Non-Profit Partner Vending Program. Our program provides an opportunity for community non-profit groups to staff a festival concession stand and market their organization. NPPVs earn a flat fee + percentage of the proceeds.
Please have your EIN (Non-Profit Tax ID number) available for this application.
The Colorado Dragon Boat Festival’s Non-Profit Partners Vending Program invites non-profit organizations representing a variety of missions and causes to earn money and market for their organization by supplying volunteers to work a concession booth selling festival items. Partners apply and, depending on openings, are assigned by the CDBF NPPV Coordinator to one of the following areas of festival sales operations: Beer, Beverage, Merchandise or Bike Corrals.
In order to apply, it is recommended that your organization has at least 10 individuals + a booth manager able to run the booth throughout the days of the festival. There should be multiple shifts of at least 5 (including booth manager) onsite at all times. All nonprofit partners will be trained and managed by our Beverage Management team that will be onsite. In 2024 we gave back over $12,000 to our Non-profit Partners!
Sat & Sun September 6th & 7th, 2025
Sloan's Lake Park / Denver, CO
Booth Operating Hours
Saturday September 6th - 10am - 7pm
Sunday September 7th - 10am - 5pm
**Staff must arrive 30 minutes prior to shift
Booth Manager / Lead Hours (One hour before open and after close)
Saturday September 6th - 9am - 8pm
Sunday September 7th - 9am - 6pm